Why you need to build a business
When you start in business you need to view it as if you are building a series of systems and machines. You build a system that leads to a predictable outcome or event.
Care for your customers
When you first start your business you need customers so the first system you need is one involving sales and marketing, you need to learn how to attract customers in to your business and how to nurture them in to long term clients. This is normally one of the hardest systems to build and more than likely you will continue to refine and work on this for the lifetime of your business.
Put yourself our there
Sales and marketing will be continuous expense for your business if you are seeking growth and expansion. If you are standing still the competition are moving forward so you need to keep up with them.
Get paid
As you continue your business journey you will more than likely have to build systems to deal with collecting debtors. accounting and in providing your services to your clients. If you are experiencing friction or difficulty in any of the areas of your business, it is simply a reflection that you still have work to do building that system for your business.
For instance, if you are struggling to get clients you need to understand why that is and how you need to change your marketing to start to attract the customers that you want to have in your business.
This is not an easy process to do you will need to work through the process in a structured way focussing on each system piece by piece. You will need help and advice and you will need to be held accountable for taking action. You will need to move out of your comfort zone and do things that you would not do ordinarily. Just as your business grows you will also need to grow as a person.
You will need to gain more knowledge and authority and be prepared to step back from doing the work yourself and be prepared to manage your business. Stepping back does not mean losing control of your business, it is simply the reality that as you grow you cannot do everything, and you have to be prepared to delegate to your employees.
“You will need help and advice and you will need to be held accountable for taking action. Just as your business grows you will also need to grow as a person.”
As you start to build all the systems and put all the pieces together in your business you will start to see a dramatic change in your circumstances, you will have more time and more money do the things that you want to . You will no longer feel trapped and overwhelmed by your business.
It is unlikely that everyone can build a multi-million pound business, but you can build a business that gives you financial security and freedom if you work through a structured process with a business coach and mentoring group. The support of a business coach and group is vital to ensure that you work through the process and build the business that is right for you and matches what you want from life.