How much progress did you make in the last year?
How much progress did you make in the last year?
As we get to the end of the year its natural to see and compare we you were at the start of the year. Have you managed to move your business forward compared to last year? The answer is as always in the finances for your business. Getting clear in your finances helps you to make decisions that move things forward for your business.
Have you managed to increase your Profit?
When you understand your finances you see what you can do to make it more profitable. Can I reduce expenses that I no longer need? Do I need to increase my prices if I am not making a profit for the work that I do? Where is your profit compared to last year? If it has not increased what are you going to do to move things forward?
Have you managed to take more time off?
Looking back to your business last year have you managed to take more time off? Are you living the dream of holidays two or three times a year or is your working reality just a living nightmare of working evenings and weekends? A lot of the issues that may be causing you to work long hours are financial, not charging enough to make a profit and not knowing if you can take on staff.
Are you paying yourself more money?
Compared to last year are you taking more money out of your business? Do you have more money to enjoy your time out of work? If you are not taking more money out you need to look at the reasons why not? You need to look at the finances and also your business to understand why you are not able to pay yourself what you are worth!
Are your finances better than last year?
Compared to last year are your finances in a better shape now than 12 months ago? Do you understand what money you have and what you have to pay? Do you have trained finance professionals working in your business or are you and your team doing this? If the answer is yes, you will need a virtual finance team to help you solve the problems that you have and find a way to have more money and free time to enjoy it.